Saturday, October 2, 2010


So, I just found out that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I don't think we'll have any trouble being "aware" of breast cancer this month. You know, I've participated in Relay For Life, walked the track, raised money but this year its obviously different.

This year, in general, has been extremely difficult. I haven't enjoyed 2010 and I keep looking forward to 2011. I've never been that way, I've always enjoyed most days and each year has always been better than the previous one but not this year, not 2010.

The year started with troubles at work, troubles that have been piling up for a couple of years, culminating in 2010. I begin to think about a career change for the first time in 15 years. In February Dad has a heart attack (he's doing great now, praise the Lord!). A couple of months later Allison's dad has major surgery, from which he's been recovering and still struggles with today. We didn't get to take our "normal" vacation in June. Hilton Head is always our "escape", but with so many other issues going on we decided to not go anywhere this year. A month ago at work, I find out that 30+ IT staff are being let go in November. I'm safe (thank you Lord) but lots of good people are being let go because of poor decisions made. Such a shame and I pray for each one of you that this will turn out to be a blessing in your life.

Now this, September 24, 2010... this must go down in the Chris Walker Hall of Bad Days as the worst day in 2010, if not my life. Even today, a week later, it still doesn't feel real. But real it is, and Monday when we talk with the surgeons I'm sure we'll begin to realized just how real things are right now. We were told that we would go through several emotions, one of which is "let's get on with this and get back to normal life"...that's where we both are right now. So as much as we may be nervous about Monday we are equally ready to move on and get past it.

God is amazing, Breast Cancer Awareness month, the same month that Allison is treated for it... "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~ Psalm 139:14

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