Sunday, November 7, 2010

3 days...

3 days have now gone by since the surgery. 3 days. I've kind of been keeping time in a "BC/AD" sort of way, but in this case my "BC" is "before cancer", then "before surgery" (although "BS" doesn't sound very nice)...and now "after surgery". 3 days. I'm anxious for a thousand more.

The afternoon after surgery Allison was pretty much knocked out, lots of medication-induced sleep. But Friday and Saturday were just good ol' take it easy sort of days. Tylenol for pain, naps when needed and plenty of love from family and friends. A main source of anxiety for her now is that she's going to mess up her Weight Watchers with all the food that people are bringing over! "No honey, you don't look like you've gained weight" can husbands ever answer that question any other way?

She's such a superwoman...all that she's gone through, the mental as well as the physical, and her attitude is amazing. I definitely married "up". I'm not sure what I could have done so well that God would bless me with Superwoman.

So, I'm heading to church this morning, she's staying here and resting. I'm ready for all the "we're praying for you" hugs and "let us know if you need anything" handshakes. I am so very thankful for all my friends and family. Some people say these things without much of a thought of sincerity (like I have done so many times in the past) but I can honestly say that when I hear these words lately I know that people have meant it. Its one thing to say something, its quite another to say it from the heart. I'm blessed, please God never let me take any of it for granted.

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