Monday, January 3, 2011


I picked "Contentment" as my 2011 word of the year. I long for it and the Bible tells us to pursue it so I feel like that's the attitude I need to develop. It still blows my mind to think that in ALL circumstances we CAN be "content", but its true. Its not something that comes natural to us as human beings, we're always wanting something more...better...faster...bigger...healthier. And when we don't get it we tend to pout and complain to God that we really NEED that thing we so desperately chase. But we have all we NEED in God, we can and should be content. But its hard and God knows that. I don't think He blames us for feeling the way we do, He understands...He just wishes we would trust Him more because He knows what the future holds. So, Father, help me to be content in 2011 in all of my circumstances.

The first 2 days after chemo, Allison actually felt really good. We attribute that to the steroids she has to take the day before chemo and the 2 days following. But days 3-5 were rough. She didn't have the energy to do much of anything. She spent most of the day either in bed or on the sofa. Nosebleeds, terrible back pains, exhaustion, head tingling and acne? Are you kidding me? Acne too? How can something that does all this to your body be good for you?

We spent all afternoon and evening watching mushy movies together on ABC Family. I didn't even feel like watching football yesterday...maybe I should go to the doctor too! We had 3 people stop by, Katie brought food, 2 frozen casseroles that we'll enjoy (one is tonight!). Shelby brought a teddy bear, she said her mom had one when she went through cancer and it simply meant the world to her (it smells like chocolate too!). And finally Rhonda dropped off a hand made prayer shawl, wow, so much thought, love and prayer that went into making this. Allison was deeply touched by all 3 gifts, we both were. God's children just seem to know exactly what to say and when to say it.

Tomorrow we go in for blood work and week 2 begins. They originally said the "hair thing" would begin in week 2. She's scared, afraid of what its going to be like. I love this little brunette from Lyman, SC and she's the most beautiful thing in this world to me. I hope she knows this and I hope she knows that when the "hair thing" happens I still will think she's the most beautiful little brunette in the world.

Contentment...its not easy but its possible. Our Lord gives us everything...everything...we need to follow the path He lays out for us. Through trials and mountaintops He provides, so let's all be content with what we have.

1 comment:

Mary Eva said...

As you, Allison, must be struggling with confusion, frustration, bewilderment, anger, and even some despair over the miserable side effects of the chemo, we are asking our Father to enable you to trust His heart (when you don't understand, when you can't see His plan).